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Your Consultant for Cloud Services & Corporate Wireless Optimization
Cable, T1, DS3, PtP, SD-WAN, MPLS, PRI, OC3, Fast & Gigabit Ethernet Line Services

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About Persimmon Connections


Persimmon Telecommunications

Who We Are

In our early years, we offered mainly Telecommunications services. Since the scope of our offerings has expanded to cover a many other technologies, our name has been changed from Persimmon Telecommunications to Persimmon Connections. A more comprehensive list of the technologies we cover is at Persimmon Connections areas of expertise. However, we still offer the services that were probided by Persimmon Telecommunications and the rest of this page gives more detail about Telecommunications services.

Persimmon Telecommunications offers a one-stop quote system that provides real-time price quotes and price comparisons for

  • Internet access: DSL, cable, T1, Ethernet over Copper (EoC), bonded T1, DS3, Fiber Ethernet (Fast-E and GigE), OC3, OC12, OC24, and OC48 line connections
  • Voice services: POTS, PRI, T1 voice, VoIP, SIP, Hosted PBX, UCaaS
  • Integrated or Converged Access: Integrated T1 service, Converged fiber services, bundled services
  • Multi-site Networks: SD-WAN, SASE, point-to-point (PTP or P2P), MPLS, VPN, WAN
  • Network or Managed Services: Firewall, security, Collocation, Email
Circuit price quotes are from the best Telecom and Cable service providers. Persimmon Telecommunications quotes and gives price comparisons automatically for many of the above. However, for complex situations or when the providers do not have serviceable data bases or APIs to allow automated quotes, we work with our personal contacts at the providers to find the best options for you. No longer must you contact a myriad of companies and then struggle to put all the price quotes for internet and network service on a comparable basis. We obtain circuit costs for you, provide a complimentary analysis of your needs, and present solutions that will meet your requirements in a cost-effective manner.

We work under the umbrella of Telarus, Inc. Telarus negotiates contracts with suppliers (including a low price guarantee which means you can not get a better price by going direct to the carrier or through any other sales channel), sets up and maintains an automated quote system for Persimmon Telecommunications consultants, and provides other support. Telarus has direct contracts with more than 50 providers. Persimmon Telecommunications can sell service for any of those providers and indirectly for more than 200 carriers. In every case, your contract will be directly with the provider. Your first point of contact for questions or issues will be that provider. We facilitate answers or solutions to any issues for which you do not receive a satisfactory response from the telecom carrier, cable company, or other provider.

Where did the name Persimmon Telecommunications come from? Well, think about Apple Computer. They are a successful computer company so we followed in their foot steps by picking the name of a fruit, albeit a much more exotic fruit!

What We Do

Behind the real-time data/voice/integrated/converged/multi-site network/managed service price estimate tool is a team of Telecom service experts ready to help you find the best solution for your telecommunications needs. Once you submit your information to obtain a price quote, an experienced Telecom consultant will contact you to discuss your situation, analyze your needs, and give you unbiased research on the telecom carriers, cable companies and plans available for your location(s). Making an informed decision is easy and quick given the information we provide. By signing up with one of our partner providers through us, you receive the protection of a low price guarantee and our assistance in resolving disputes. We also offer you complimentary, independent, unbiased circuit monitoring of all internet circuits sourced through us.

We are available during all phases of service, from the decision making process, the application and credit approval process, the provisioning and installation process, the ongoing contract period, to the end of your contract and the analysis of your options upon contract termination. If you need help in dealing with the telecom carrier, cable company, or other provider, or in deciding on options in the future, we are here to help. Because of the large volume of business that we bring to the providers, we are better able to resolve any difficulty between you and the telecom carrier, cable, or other provider. We are not tied to any one provider and will gladly investigate and explain to you reasons why you would benefit by switching providers. We are committed to assist you in every aspect of telecom carrier and cable company relationships.

Where We're Going

Our cable, T1, DS3, OC3, Ethernet, OCx, PRI, MPLS, SIP, Hosted PBX and UC experts are committed to provide you with the best internet access and network service pricing tools available. A team of programmers works with our voice and data service providers constantly updating rates, coverage areas, specials and promotions.

Additionally, just as carriers are expanding their cloud services offerings, we study and evaluate the various cloud solutions so that we can present the most cost-effective ones to you.


Don't hesitate to contact us for any reason at your earliest convenience. We will do our best to respond to your inquiry in a timely manner.